Flexible use for every request
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Utilization of soft lignite and hard coal
Briquetting soft and hard lignite and hard coal has been common practice for a long time. In order to make coal, peat, anthracite and oil shale processable, pressing is an important step. Today, this should be done at a reasonable price, while at the same time protecting the environment and resources.
The fact that the ATNA process is effective with fossil raw materials was already demonstrated at the first prototype plant at RWE. A total of up to 3.2 tons could be processed there in one hour. In this context, coal gasification for the production of so-called synthesis gases, which serve as starting materials for the chemical industry, is also of particular importance.
Our high-performance presses can be used flexibly. The enormous advantages of the modular design as well as the low wear and tear and the associated advantages for maintenance are important arguments for our customers who want to process larger quantities.
Do you have any further questions? Then use this form to contact us in an uncomplicated way. We look forward to the dialogue with you.